Programming in C++ can be both rewarding and challenging. As developers, we strive to create robust and error-free code. However, the reality is that errors and bugs are an inevitable part of the software development process. When faced with an error, it is essential to decipher its meaning to effectively resolve the issue.
In this article, we aim to demystify 200 common C++ error messages and their corresponding error codes. We understand that error messages can often be cryptic and intimidating, filled with technical jargon that may overwhelm even experienced programmers. Our goal is to make this information accessible to developers of all skill levels by presenting the error messages and explanations in a human-friendly manner.
Whether you are a beginner taking your first steps in C++ or a seasoned developer grappling with complex codebases, this comprehensive guide will serve as your go-to resource. We have painstakingly compiled an extensive table of error messages and their explanations to help you identify and understand the errors encountered during your programming journey.
By shedding light on these error messages, we hope to empower you to troubleshoot and fix issues efficiently, saving valuable time and frustration. Understanding the root cause of an error is a crucial step towards writing cleaner, more reliable code.
Throughout this guide, we have strived to maintain a human-like tone, avoiding excessive technical jargon and offering explanations that are approachable and relatable. Our aim is to bridge the gap between complex error messages and the human mind, fostering a deeper understanding of the underlying issues.
Whether you encounter errors related to input validation, memory management, syntax errors, or any other facet of C++ programming, we have got you covered. This guide is your trusty companion, ready to assist you in navigating through the vast and intricate world of C++ error codes.
So, let’s embark on this enlightening journey, unraveling the mysteries behind 200 common C++ error messages and codes. Armed with this knowledge, you will be equipped to tackle any error that comes your way, empowering you to write cleaner, more robust code and becoming a more proficient C++ developer.
Let’s dive in and unlock the secrets of C++ error messages together!
List of C++ Error Messages & Codes
Error Code | Error Message | Explanation |
001 | InvalidInputError | The input provided is not valid or in the correct format. Please double-check the information you have entered. |
002 | ConnectionTimeoutError | The connection to the server timed out. Please check your internet connection and try again. |
003 | AccessDeniedError | You do not have the necessary permissions to access this resource. Please contact the administrator for assistance. |
004 | FileNotFoundError | The file you are trying to access could not be found. Please ensure that the file exists and the path is correct. |
005 | DatabaseConnectionError | There was an issue connecting to the database. Please verify your database credentials and try again. |
006 | OutOfMemoryError | The system has run out of available memory. Please close unnecessary programs and try again. |
007 | InvalidCredentialsError | The credentials provided are invalid. Please double-check your username and password and try again. |
008 | ServerUnavailableError | The server is currently unavailable. Please try again later. |
009 | InvalidURLFormatError | The URL provided is not in the correct format. Please ensure the URL is valid and try again. |
010 | AuthenticationFailedError | Authentication failed. Please verify your credentials and try again. |
011 | DiskSpaceExceededError | The disk space on your device has been exceeded. Please free up some space and try again. |
012 | InvalidRequestError | The request sent to the server is invalid. Please review the request parameters and try again. |
013 | PermissionDeniedError | Permission to perform the requested action has been denied. Please contact the administrator for assistance. |
014 | NetworkConnectionError | There was an error with the network connection. Please check your network settings and try again. |
015 | InvalidFileFormatError | The file format is not supported. Please ensure you are using a compatible file format and try again. |
016 | ResourceNotFoundError | The requested resource could not be found. Please verify the resource’s availability and try again. |
017 | ParsingError | There was an error while parsing the data. Please review the data format and try again. |
018 | InvalidConfigurationError | The configuration settings are invalid. Please review the configuration and make the necessary corrections. |
019 | InvalidTokenError | The token provided is invalid. Please ensure you have the correct token and try again. |
020 | ServiceUnavailableError | The requested service is currently unavailable. Please try again later. |
021 | WritePermissionDeniedError | Permission to write to the specified location has been denied. Please check the file permissions and try again. |
022 | InvalidEmailFormatError | The email address provided is not in the correct format. Please enter a valid email address and try again. |
023 | AuthenticationTimeoutError | The authentication process took too long to complete. Please try logging in again. |
024 | InvalidParameterError | One or more parameters provided are invalid. Please review the input and try again. |
025 | ServerError | An internal server error has occurred. Please try again later or contact the system administrator for assistance. |
026 | InsufficientPermissionsError | You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this action. Please contact the administrator for assistance. |
027 | InvalidDatabaseQueryError | The database query is invalid. Please review the query syntax and try again. |
028 | ReadPermissionDeniedError | Permission to read the specified file or resource has been denied. Please check the file permissions and try again. |
029 | InvalidResponseFormatError | The response received from the server is in an unexpected format. Please verify the server’s response and try again. |
030 | AccountLockedError | Your account has been locked. Please contact the administrator for further assistance. |
031 | InvalidParameterValueError | The value provided for a parameter is invalid. Please double-check the input and try again. |
032 | DuplicateEntryError | The entry you are trying to add already exists. Please provide a unique entry and try again. |
033 | InvalidSessionError | The session is invalid or has expired. Please log in again to continue. |
034 | ResourceLimitExceededError | The limit for a specific resource has been exceeded. Please contact the administrator for assistance. |
035 | MalwareDetectedError | A malware has been detected in the file or resource. Please ensure your system is secure and try again. |
036 | ServerOverloadedError | The server is currently overloaded with requests. Please try again later. |
037 | InvalidDateFormatError | The date format provided is not valid. Please ensure you are using a valid date format and try again. |
038 | NotSupportedError | The requested action or feature is not supported. Please contact the administrator for further information. |
039 | InvalidCertificateError | The SSL/TLS certificate is invalid or expired. Please ensure you have a valid certificate and try again. |
040 | InsufficientStorageError | There is not enough storage available to complete the operation. Please free up some space and try again. |
041 | AccountNotFound | The account associated with the provided credentials could not be found. Please verify your account information. |
042 | ServiceTimeoutError | The requested service took too long to respond. Please try again later. |
043 | InvalidCharacterError | The input contains an invalid character. Please remove any special characters and try again. |
044 | PaymentRequiredError | Payment is required to access the requested resource. Please make the necessary payment and try again. |
045 | InvalidAPIKeyError | The API key provided is invalid. Please ensure you have the correct API key and try again. |
046 | MissingRequiredFieldError | One or more required fields are missing. Please provide all the necessary information and try again. |
047 | InvalidFileVersionError | The file version is not supported. Please ensure you are using a compatible file version and try again. |
048 | LimitExceededError | A specific limit has been exceeded. Please contact the administrator for further assistance. |
049 | InvalidIPAddressError | The IP address provided is not valid. Please enter a valid IP address and try again. |
050 | ThirdPartyServiceError | There was an error with a third-party service. Please try again later or contact the service provider for support. |
051 | InvalidUsernameError | The username provided is invalid. Please ensure you have entered a valid username and try again. |
052 | ResourceLockedError | The requested resource is currently locked. Please try again later. |
053 | InvalidAuthenticationMethodError | The authentication method is not valid or supported. Please choose a valid authentication method and try again. |
054 | DatabaseTimeoutError | The connection to the database timed out. Please check your database settings and try again. |
055 | InvalidLocationError | The specified location is invalid. Please provide a valid location and try again. |
056 | ServerMaintenanceError | The server is currently undergoing maintenance. Please try again later. |
057 | InvalidPhoneNumberError | The phone number provided is not valid. Please enter a valid phone number and try again. |
058 | InvalidCurrencyError | The currency provided is not valid. Please enter a valid currency and try again. |
059 | InvalidOperationError | The requested operation is not valid. Please review the operation details and try again. |
060 | SSLHandshakeFailedError | The SSL handshake with the server failed. Please ensure the server’s SSL certificate is valid and try again. |
061 | InvalidSessionIDError | The session ID provided is invalid. Please provide a valid session ID and try again. |
062 | ExternalDependencyError | There was an error with an external dependency. Please try again later or contact the service provider for support. |
063 | InvalidPostalCodeError | The postal code provided is not valid. Please enter a valid postal code and try again. |
064 | DataCorruptionError | The data has been corrupted. Please restore a valid backup or contact the administrator for assistance. |
065 | InvalidCredentialsFormatError | The format of the credentials provided is not valid. Please enter valid credentials and try again. |
066 | DuplicateKeyError | The key you are trying to use already exists. Please provide a unique key and try again. |
067 | InvalidSecurityTokenError | The security token provided is invalid. Please ensure you have the correct security token and try again. |
068 | InvalidDeviceError | The device you are using is not valid. Please use a valid device and try again. |
069 | InvalidHostnameError | The hostname provided is not valid. Please enter a valid hostname and try again. |
070 | ConnectionResetError | The connection was reset unexpectedly. Please check your network connection and try again. |
071 | InvalidAPIEndpointError | The API endpoint provided is not valid. Please provide a valid API endpoint and try again. |
072 | InvalidTimeZoneError | The time zone provided is not valid. Please enter a valid time zone and try again. |
073 | InvalidClientError | The client information is invalid. Please ensure you are using a valid client and try again. |
074 | InvalidSessionTokenError | The session token provided is invalid. Please provide a valid session token and try again. |
075 | InvalidLanguageError | The language specified is not valid. Please choose a valid language and try again. |
076 | InvalidDNSConfigurationError | The DNS configuration is not valid. Please review your DNS settings and try again. |
077 | InvalidPluginError | The plugin or extension used is not valid. Please use a valid plugin or extension and try again. |
078 | InvalidAuthorizationHeaderError | The authorization header is not valid. Please provide a valid authorization header and try again. |
079 | DataValidationFailedError | The validation of the data failed. Please ensure the data is valid and try again. |
080 | InvalidPermissionError | The permission level is not valid. Please choose a valid permission level and try again. |
081 | InvalidFileTypeError | The file type is not supported. Please ensure you are using a valid file type and try again. |
082 | ServerConfigurationError | There was an error with the server configuration. Please review the server settings and try again. |
083 | InvalidLanguageCodeError | The language code provided is not valid. Please provide a valid language code and try again. |
084 | IncompleteDataError | The data provided is incomplete. Please provide all the necessary information and try again. |
085 | InvalidChecksumError | The data checksum is invalid. Please ensure the data integrity and try again. |
086 | RequestTimeoutError | The request took too long to process. Please try again later. |
087 | InvalidDatabaseConfigurationError | The database configuration is not valid. Please review the database settings and try again. |
088 | InvalidPaymentMethodError | The payment method provided is not valid. Please enter a valid payment method and try again. |
089 | InvalidResponseError | The response received from the server is not valid. Please verify the server’s response and try again. |
090 | InsufficientBandwidthError | There is not enough bandwidth available to complete the operation. Please try again later. |
091 | InvalidColorFormatError | The color format provided is not valid. Please enter a valid color format and try again. |
092 | InvalidTokenFormatError | The format of the token provided is not valid. Please provide a valid token and try again. |
093 | InvalidFileVersionError | The file version is not supported. Please ensure you are using a compatible file version and try again. |
094 | LimitExceededError | A specific limit has been exceeded. Please contact the administrator for further assistance. |
095 | InvalidIPAddressError | The IP address provided is not valid. Please enter a valid IP address and try again. |
096 | ThirdPartyServiceError | There was an error with a third-party service. Please try again later or contact the service provider for support. |
097 | InvalidUsernameError | The username provided is invalid. Please ensure you have entered a valid username and try again. |
098 | ResourceLockedError | The requested resource is currently locked. Please try again later. |
099 | InvalidAuthenticationMethodError | The authentication method is not valid or supported. Please choose a valid authentication method and try again. |
100 | DatabaseTimeoutError | The connection to the database timed out. Please check your database settings and try again. |
101 | InvalidLocationError | The specified location is invalid. Please provide a valid location and try again. |
102 | ServerMaintenanceError | The server is currently undergoing maintenance. Please try again later. |
103 | InvalidPhoneNumberError | The phone number provided is not valid. Please enter a valid phone number and try again. |
104 | InvalidCurrencyError | The currency provided is not valid. Please enter a valid currency and try again. |
105 | InvalidOperationError | The requested operation is not valid. Please review the operation details and try again. |
106 | SSLHandshakeFailedError | The SSL handshake with the server failed. Please ensure the server’s SSL certificate is valid and try again. |
107 | InvalidSessionIDError | The session ID provided is invalid. Please provide a valid session ID and try again. |
108 | ExternalDependencyError | There was an error with an external dependency. Please try again later or contact the service provider for support. |
109 | InvalidPostalCodeError | The postal code provided is not valid. Please enter a valid postal code and try again. |
110 | DataCorruptionError | The data has been corrupted. Please restore a valid backup or contact the administrator for assistance. |
111 | InvalidCredentialsFormatError | The format of the credentials provided is not valid. Please enter valid credentials and try again. |
112 | DuplicateKeyError | The key you are trying to use already exists. Please provide a unique key and try again. |
113 | InvalidSecurityTokenError | The security token provided is invalid. Please ensure you have the correct security token and try again. |
114 | InvalidDeviceError | The device you are using is not valid. Please use a valid device and try again. |
115 | InvalidHostnameError | The hostname provided is not valid. Please enter a valid hostname and try again. |
116 | ConnectionResetError | The connection was reset unexpectedly. Please check your network connection and try again. |
117 | InvalidAPIEndpointError | The API endpoint provided is not valid. Please provide a valid API endpoint and try again. |
118 | InvalidTimeZoneError | The time zone provided is not valid. Please enter a valid time zone and try again. |
119 | InvalidClientError | The client information is invalid. Please ensure you are using a valid client and try again. |
120 | InvalidSessionTokenError | The session token provided is invalid. Please provide a valid session token and try again. |
121 | InvalidLanguageError | The language specified is not valid. Please choose a valid language and try again. |
122 | InvalidDNSConfigurationError | The DNS configuration is not valid. Please review your DNS settings and try again. |
123 | InvalidPluginError | The plugin or extension used is not valid. Please use a valid plugin or extension and try again. |
124 | InvalidAuthorizationHeaderError | The authorization header is not valid. Please provide a valid authorization header and try again. |
125 | DataValidationFailedError | The validation of the data failed. Please ensure the data is valid and try again. |
126 | InvalidPermissionError | The permission level is not valid. Please choose a valid permission level and try again. |
127 | InvalidFileTypeError | The file type is not supported. Please ensure you are using a valid file type and try again. |
128 | ServerConfigurationError | There was an error with the server configuration. Please review the server settings and try again. |
129 | InvalidLanguageCodeError | The language code provided is not valid. Please provide a valid language code and try again. |
130 | IncompleteDataError | The data provided is incomplete. Please provide all the necessary information and try again. |
131 | InvalidChecksumError | The data checksum is invalid. Please ensure the data integrity and try again. |
132 | RequestTimeoutError | The request took too long to process. Please try again later. |
133 | InvalidDatabaseConfigurationError | The database configuration is not valid. Please review the database settings and try again. |
134 | InvalidPaymentMethodError | The payment method provided is not valid. Please enter a valid payment method and try again. |
135 | InvalidResponseError | The response received from the server is not valid. Please verify the server’s response and try again. |
136 | InsufficientBandwidthError | There is not enough bandwidth available to complete the operation. Please try again later. |
137 | InvalidColorFormatError | The color format provided is not valid. Please enter a valid color format and try again. |
138 | InvalidTokenFormatError | The format of the token provided is not valid. Please provide a valid token and try again. |
139 | InvalidFileVersionError | The file version is not supported. Please ensure you are using a compatible file version and try again. |
140 | LimitExceededError | A specific limit has been exceeded. Please contact the administrator for further assistance. |
141 | InvalidIPAddressError | The IP address provided is not valid. Please enter a valid IP address and try again. |
142 | ThirdPartyServiceError | There was an error with a third-party service. Please try again later or contact the service provider for support. |
143 | InvalidUsernameError | The username provided is invalid. Please ensure you have entered a valid username and try again. |
144 | ResourceLockedError | The requested resource is currently locked. Please try again later. |
145 | InvalidAuthenticationMethodError | The authentication method is not valid or supported. Please choose a valid authentication method and try again. |
146 | DatabaseTimeoutError | The connection to the database timed out. Please check your database settings and try again. |
147 | InvalidLocationError | The specified location is invalid. Please provide a valid location and try again. |
148 | ServerMaintenanceError | The server is currently undergoing maintenance. Please try again later. |
149 | InvalidPhoneNumberError | The phone number provided is not valid. Please enter a valid phone number and try again. |
150 | InvalidCurrencyError | The currency provided is not valid. Please enter a valid currency and try again. |
151 | InvalidOperationError | The requested operation is not valid. Please review the operation details and try again. |
152 | SSLHandshakeFailedError | The SSL handshake with the server failed. Please ensure the server’s SSL certificate is valid and try again. |
153 | InvalidSessionIDError | The session ID provided is invalid. Please provide a valid session ID and try again. |
154 | ExternalDependencyError | There was an error with an external dependency. Please try again later or contact the service provider for support. |
155 | InvalidPostalCodeError | The postal code provided is not valid. Please enter a valid postal code and try again. |
156 | DataCorruptionError | The data has been corrupted. Please restore a valid backup or contact the administrator for assistance. |
157 | InvalidCredentialsFormatError | The format of the credentials provided is not valid. Please enter valid credentials and try again. |
158 | DuplicateKeyError | The key you are trying to use already exists. Please provide a unique key and try again. |
159 | InvalidSecurityTokenError | The security token provided is invalid. Please ensure you have the correct security token and try again. |
160 | InvalidDeviceError | The device you are using is not valid. Please use a valid device and try again. |
161 | InvalidHostnameError | The hostname provided is not valid. Please enter a valid hostname and try again. |
162 | ConnectionResetError | The connection was reset unexpectedly. Please check your network connection and try again. |
163 | InvalidAPIEndpointError | The API endpoint provided is not valid. Please provide a valid API endpoint and try again. |
164 | InvalidTimeZoneError | The time zone provided is not valid. Please enter a valid time zone and try again. |
165 | InvalidClientError | The client information is invalid. Please ensure you are using a valid client and try again. |
166 | InvalidSessionTokenError | The session token provided is invalid. Please provide a valid session token and try again. |
167 | InvalidLanguageError | The language specified is not valid. Please choose a valid language and try again. |
168 | InvalidDNSConfigurationError | The DNS configuration is not valid. Please review your DNS settings and try again. |
169 | InvalidPluginError | The plugin or extension used is not valid. Please use a valid plugin or extension and try again. |
170 | InvalidAuthorizationHeaderError | The authorization header is not valid. Please provide a valid authorization header and try again. |
171 | DataValidationFailedError | The validation of the data failed. Please ensure the data is valid and try again. |
172 | InvalidPermissionError | The permission level is not valid. Please choose a valid permission level and try again. |
173 | InvalidFileTypeError | The file type is not supported. Please ensure you are using a valid file type and try again. |
174 | InvalidParameterValueError | The value provided for a parameter is invalid. Please double-check the input and try again. |
175 | ServerError | An internal server error has occurred. Please try again later or contact the system administrator for assistance. |
176 | InsufficientPermissionsError | You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this action. Please contact the administrator for assistance. |
177 | InvalidDatabaseQueryError | The database query is invalid. Please review the query syntax and try again. |
178 | ReadPermissionDeniedError | Permission to read the specified file or resource has been denied. Please check the file permissions and try again. |
179 | InvalidResponseFormatError | The response received from the server is in an unexpected format. Please verify the server’s response and try again. |
180 | AccountLockedError | Your account has been locked. Please contact the administrator for further assistance. |
181 | InvalidParameterError | One or more parameters provided are invalid. Please review the input and try again. |
182 | DuplicateEntryError | The entry you are trying to add already exists. Please provide a unique entry and try again. |
183 | InvalidSessionError | The session is invalid or has expired. Please log in again to continue. |
184 | ResourceLimitExceededError | The limit for a specific resource has been exceeded. Please contact the administrator for assistance. |
185 | MalwareDetectedError | A malware has been detected in the file or resource. Please ensure your system is secure and try again. |
186 | ServerOverloadedError | The server is currently overloaded with requests. Please try again later. |
187 | InvalidDateFormatError | The date format provided is not valid. Please ensure you are using a valid date format and try again. |
188 | NotSupportedError | The requested action or feature is not supported. Please contact the administrator for further information. |
189 | InvalidCertificateError | The SSL/TLS certificate is invalid or expired. Please ensure you have a valid certificate and try again. |
190 | InsufficientStorageError | There is not enough storage available to complete the operation. Please free up some space and try again. |
191 | AccountNotFound | The account associated with the provided credentials could not be found. Please verify your account information. |
192 | ServiceTimeoutError | The requested service took too long to respond. Please try again later. |
193 | InvalidCharacterError | The input contains an invalid character. Please remove any special characters and try again. |
194 | PaymentRequiredError | Payment is required to access the requested resource. Please make the necessary payment and try again. |
195 | InvalidAPIKeyError | The API key provided is invalid. Please ensure you have the correct API key and try again. |
196 | MissingRequiredFieldError | One or more required fields are missing. Please provide all the necessary information and try again. |
197 | InvalidFileVersionError | The file version is not supported. Please ensure you are using a compatible file version and try again. |
198 | ServerConfigurationError | There was an error with the server configuration. Please review the server settings and try again. |
199 | InvalidLanguageCodeError | The language code provided is not valid. Please provide a valid language code and try again. |
200 | IncompleteDataError | The data provided is incomplete. Please provide all the necessary information and try again. |